226ers Night Recovery Cream 1kg Vanilla

226ers Night Recovery Cream 1kg Vanilla







Night Recovery Cream is a muscle recoverer that works overnight in a creamy format similar to the texture of custard, making it ideal as a dessert at dinner time.

226ERS Night Recovery Cream is a muscle recoverer that is taken 30 minutes before bedtime and improves muscle recovery, helps perform 100% the next day, perfect for stage competitions, it is ideal to take the night before a competition.


  • Calcium caseinate. Promote growth and increase in muscle mass. Strengthens the bones

  • L-glutamine. Enhances the repair of damaged muscle fibers.

  • L-Tryptophan. Regulates serotonin and calms anxiety, insomnia and stress.

  • Amylopectin. Carbohydrate that improves protein assimilation and does not produce insulin spikes.

Mode of Use

  • Use the measuring spoon to pour 2 measures of product (25g) into a bowl.
  • Pour 100ml of water (or milk) little by little until you get the desired texture
  • Stir until you get the desired texture.

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